Copyright Qode Interactive 2016

Supply Chain Payments


CPOs, Supply Chain Managers, Functional Heads, and Financial Controllers, demand a process oriented approval and authority, for each payment transaction originated in the supply chain.
There are several pressure points on payments, that restrict available cash flow and working capital throughout the supply chain. Everyone wants to get paid, and invest in the future growth of their own business, but liquidity is limited through longer credit terms, and inventory pressures.
While demand for funds is increasing, organizations prefer controlling their payables and ensuring that each payable is accounted for within the supply chain with respects to its dues and deliveries. Equally important is the control of procuring funds, or ensuring credit lines are available on ‘as and when’ required basis, at cheapest possible terms. While your suppliers and vendors benefit for growth, you avail the opportunity to further negotiate your supplies.
We at Emmaculate have a vast experience in providing solutions to:
Streamline your payable processes, right from inception through your supply chain
Standardize and customize payment terms, thereby improving Working Capital requirements
Provide early payment option, as a tool for negotiation with your suppliers/vendors
Enable agnostic channels, for funding and negotiations, while no disturbance to existing security with banks, or lenders
Enabling you to look at your ROI from cost recovery perspective, with the ability of securing your suppliers through early payment methodology.
Help reducing internal administration costs such as staffing, clerical and wire fees
Ease of digging out detailed reports, and analytics online through “Do It Yourself” interfaces.
Highly secured data encryption technology that meets the stringent audit trail, workflow and control requirements.
The system is automated, reliable and fully compliant, which makes auditing and accounting efforts a breeze. Imagine, full control over supplier accounts while managing supply chain invoices, human resource payables, and your working capital positions. Improve your suppliers loyalty, retention and viability with our solutions, and services.


A seasoned approach that we undertake to deliver:
Product Vision
Supply Side Architecture
Identify KPIs
Business Requirements
Reengineer, Innovate & Analyze
Demand Side Architecture
Implement & Train
Knowledge Management
Product LAUNCH
Support & Improve