Copyright Qode Interactive 2016

Retail Management

Retail Management

A One Window solution for distributors, wholesalers, retail networks & outlets. Allowing you a complete picture of your network in real time, while at the same time allowing individual node wise performance as well.
The solution extends to:
Multi Branch/Location Integrations
Multi Branch/Location Inventories
Warehousing & Distribution
Centralized & De-Centralized Procurement & Order Management
Resource Targets & Commissions
Image & Category Management
Warranty Management & Tracking
Complaints & Feedback System
Customer Loyalty and Incentive Program
Promotions & Discount
Assembly & Parts Management
Remote Surveillance
GL Solutions or Mapping
Human Resource Management
Real time integration with Payment Processors & Banks
Web Services for integration with
Web & Mobile Channels
Suppliers & Manufacturers
Bulk Buyers or Institutional Customers


Experienced in implementing the solution at brand manufacturers, wholesalers with a hybrid of owned outlets and third party sales channels. Traders, distributors, and wholesalers have exploited real time integration to their distribution channels, and at the same their principal manufacturers or suppliers, thus allow them seamless flow information on sales, complaints, warranties and feedback.
Capability of providing a turnkey as well as an integrated solutions, depending on the organizations current investments in information capital.
The solutions also caters to large malls, for subletting to individual outlets on a SAAS model, thereby providing a centralized solution for all their needs. Such scenarios have brought economies into technology adaptation, and an opportunity to brand with additional revenues for the sourcing enterprise.
Contact us for further details ..


A seasoned approach that we undertake to deliver:
Product Vision
Supply Side Architecture
Identify KPIs
Business Requirements
Reengineer, Innovate & Analyze
Demand Side Architecture
Implement & Train
Knowledge Management
Product LAUNCH
Support & Improve