Copyright Qode Interactive 2016

Product Development

Product Development

Product Development Lifecycles are extremely challenging when it comes to formulation of what the client or your customer wishes to see. It is therefore, imperative to see your costs closely while innovation is at its top priority to align your product to the market requirements. The first cut is always the most complex.
There are many factors affecting the strategy to formulate a product envisioned for the client or the customer organization. Variables involve:
Heightened customer demand
Cost pressures
Continuous upgrades
Regional regulations
Multiple versions
Rising employee costs


Working with a variety of customers across industries, continents, time zones, and cultures, we have pioneered a comprehensive multi-site, agile delivery methodology to run for your an effective product management arsenal.
Banking, Pharmaceutical, Oil & Gas & Automobile Industry are the most active product domains on our portfolio.


Working with a variety of customers across industries, continents, time zones, and cultures, we have pioneered a comprehensive multi-site, agile delivery methodology to run for you an effective product management arsenal.
The strategy involves clarity for the customer at every level of the development lifecycle. We have overtime structured the basics in a manner that variations allowed conform to the same broader coverage in the lifecycle.
A typical engineering or reengineering is routed through:
Product Concept
Product Prototype
Prototype Rationalization
Product Engineering/Reengineering
Professional Services